Join iRhythm at ACC.25 in Chicago, March 29-31

Visit Booth 8053 and learn about our next-generation Zio ECG monitors and iRhythm service.​

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American College of Cardiology, March 28-31, Chicago, IL

Booth #8053​

At iRhythm, we recognize the multifaceted challenges in healthcare and share your dedication to enhancing outcomes across diverse communities and care environments. We're thrilled to join the ACC community to exchange ideas, insights, and innovations that shape the future of technology-driven, patient-focused care.​

Let’s start a conversation—and better yet, let’s collaborate. Together, we can deliver improved care to more people.​

ACC.25 logo

The iRhythm service features Zio ECG monitors – a comprehensive approach to cardiac monitoring.​ Easy-to-wear monitors.1-3 Outstanding patient compliance.4-6 Exceptional accuracy.7-9 With our end-to-end service, we've completely changed the world of cardiac monitoring.10-15

Exhibition hours - iRhythm Booth 8053


Saturday March 29: 9:00 am to 4:45 pm​


Sunday March 30: 9:00 am to 4:45 pm​


Monday March 31: 9:00 am to 2:00 pm​

Presented Abstracts


Symptom-rhythm correlation patterns in patients undergoing ambulatory ECG monitoring: analysis of over 1 million patients

Presenter: Mintu Turakhia, MD, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer, EVP Product Innovation,

March 30th​, 9:24 am – 9:31 am​


Session #: 945​


Location: Moderated Poster Theater #1​

Arrhythmias in patients with daily vs non-daily symptoms undergoing long-term continuous patch ECG monitoring.

Presenter: TJ Battisti, Sr. Clinical Scientist, iRhythm​

March 30th, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm​


Session #: 1164​


Location: South Hall​

1. Battisti et al. Abstract 4141717: Feasibility of point-of-wear patient satisfaction surveys to validate patient-centered product enhancements: results from over 300,000 patients for long-term ambulatory cardiac monitoring. Circulation. 2024;150:A4141717. doi:10.1161/circ.150.suppl_1.4141717.

2. Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2024

3. Based on the US market data.

4. Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2022. 

5. Based on the US data.

6. Zio service provides continuous, uninterrupted recording and a comprehensive end-of-wear report.

7. Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2023.

8. Based on the US market data using Zio ECG monitors.

9. Zio service provides continuous, uninterrupted recording and a comprehensive end-of-wear report.

10. Reynolds et al. Comparative effectiveness and healthcare utilization for ambulatory cardiac monitoring strategies in Medicare beneficiaries. Am Heart J. 2024;269:25–34.

11. A specified arrhythmia refers to an arrhythmia encounter diagnosis as per Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC) 96. 

12. Based on previous generation Zio XT device data. Zio monitor utilizes the same operating principles and ECG algorithm. Additional data on file. 

13. Zio LTCM service refers to Zio XT and Zio monitor service. 

14. Contraindications: Do not use the Zio monitor for critical care patients or for patients with symptomatic episodes where instance variations in cardiac performance could result in immediate danger to the patients or when real-time or in-patient monitoring should be prescribed. (Refer to the Zio monitor Instructions for Use for the full list of contraindications.)

15. Zio monitor and ZEUS are Japan PMDA approved.
