Zio XT recommended by NICE in the latest CVD impact report to detect cardiac arrhythmias.

Click here to see the full report

Single-use cardiac monitoring powered by AI technology

The Zio service is a complete ambulatory cardiac monitoring solution built with the patient in mind — and reinforced with clinical evidence.

• Superior clinical accuracy1
• Exceptional patient experience2
• NICE recommended3

Zio XT monitor

3 Million +

Patients analyzed4

35 +

Peer reviewed publications5


Patient compliance6

Zio looks to achieve...

Conventional monitors are cumbersome. More often than not, patients don't wear them for the prescribed time period.
Conventional monitors can only be worn for up to 48 hours. In many cases, that’s not enough time to get a full picture of the heart.
Data from conventional monitors contains a high degree of noise and interruptions. And it’s often incomplete, resulting in wasted time, costly re-testing and low clinician trust.

I’ve worn a 24-hour Holter and it was quite a laborious process and it didn’t come to the right diagnosis, the Zio patch was quick and easy and was diagnosed immediately, so much better.

Charlotte Miller


Need more information on the Zio service?

We’re here to help. Please fill out this short form and a representative will follow up with you to answer any questions you may have.


If you are a patient please contact our Customer Care Team on +44 808 189 3411 or by emailing us on supportuk@irhythmtech.com

Disclaimer: Zio XT is not intended for critical care patients.

  1. Source: iRhythm Clinical Publication Summary
  2. Source: Barrett P., et al., Comparison of 24-hour Holter monitoring vs. 14-day novel adhesive patch electrocardiographic monitoring. American Heart Journal of Medicine, 2014.
  3. Source: NICE (nice.org.uk) Zio XT for detecting cardiac arrhythmias (MTG52)
  4. Source: iRhythm Technologies, 2020. Form 10-K 2019. Retrieved from https://investors.irhythmtech.com/sec-filings/sec-filing/10-k/0001388658-20-000034
  5. Source: Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2020.
  6. Source: Data on file. Analysis of median wear period/prescribed duration (%) of 587,872 devices from 4/1/2018 to 3/31/2019. iRhythm Technologies, 2019.
