MyZio® mobile app for patients
The MyZio app serves as a valuable companion to enhance a patient's Zio ECG monitor wear experience. It provides access to helpful information and enables symptom logging, allowing for symptom-rhythm association.

Wear-time reminders and accessible symptom logging
Patients using the MyZio app were 4.3x more likely to record at least one symptom during an arrhythmia compared to patients using a paper log booklet.1

Assisting patients and healthcare providers
Patient Benefit
- Makes symptom logging easy using a mobile device.
Clinician and Patient Benefits
- Sends patient reminders for key moments including monitor return prompts, provides answers to FAQs, and instructional videos.
- Allows Home Enrollment patients to track their monitor’s arrival and watch application instructional video.
Physician and Patient Benefits
- Diary entries will appear on Zio AT ® daily reports and all Zio® ECG end-of-wear reports.
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- Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2024.