Zio XT recommended by NICE in the latest CVD impact report to detect cardiac arrhythmias.

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Retrospective Cohort Study

Comparative Effectiveness of Ambulatory Monitors for Arrhythmia Diagnosis

New real-world evidence.

The Cardiac Ambulatory Monitor EvaLuation of Outcomes and Time to Events (CAMELOT) study is the first of and largest of its kind and found that Zio long-term continuous monitoring (LTCM) service was associated with the highest diagnostic yield and lowest likelihood of retesting.1-2

Patient wearing Zio AT monitor

CAMELOT: Cardiac Ambulatory Monitor EvaLuation of Outcomes and Time to Events. This retrospective claims analysis was introduced at the 2023 American College of Cardiology conference as part of the special spotlight session on Innovation, Digital Health, and Technology to help enable cardiovascular clinicians to consider optimal monitoring strategies when selecting an ambulatory cardiac monitor.

A new study based on real-world evidence suggests that different monitoring strategies may produce different results with respect to diagnosis and subsequent outcomes and care.1-2,5

Compared with 48hr Holter monitoring and other LTCM services, Zio LTCM service was associated with:

The claims represent the coding* that providers used to document the care that they provided to their patients and the follow-up path that those same patients followed. The only claims included in the analysis were for patients who had not had previous cardiac monitoring, resulting in a balanced and comprehensive comparison of retest and healthcare resource utilization. The study cohort of 287,789 diagnostic-naïve patients was derived from the full Medicare fee-for-service data set of 1,582,784.

* Specified arrhythmias included the following arrhythmias, which qualify for Medicare hierarchical condition code (HCC) 96 as a comorbidity that increases the potential future health care costs: atrial fibrillation (paroxysmal, persistent, long-standing persistent, chronic, permanent, unspecified), atrial flutter (typical, atypical, unspecified), SVT, VT, AV block, sick sinus syndrome, junctional premature depolarization.

The cohort included 287,789 patients.

Study chart

Fill out the form to access the study.

1. Reynolds et al. Comparative effectiveness and healthcare utilization for ambulatory cardiac monitoring strategies in Medicare beneficiaries. Am Heart J. 2024;269:25–34. Accessed January 2, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ahj.2023.12.002

2. Data on file. iRhythm Technologies, 2023.

3. In testing for specified arrhythmias defined by Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC) 96.

4. Based on previous generation Zio XT device data. Zio monitor utilizes the same operating principles and ECG algorithm. Additional data on file. 

5. Based on US data.

6. A specified arrhythmia refers to an arrhythmia encounter diagnosis as per Hierarchical Condition Categories (HCC) 96. 

7. Zio LTCM service refers to Zio XT service. 

8. Disclaimer: Zio XT is UKCA Marked
